Donate to the 2024/25
EIN 81-3356194

Nickerson-Rossi Dance is a non-profit 501(c)3
EIN 81-3356194
Your donation helps support the Company’s audience development, education programs, creation of new works, and support for the company's artists and educators.
One time
Please comment where your support should to be directed within Nickerson-Rossi Dance.
Or Mail a Check to
Nickerson-Rossi Dance
611 South Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92264

The dancers join us in thanking those who have supported Nickerson-Rossi Dance through the years, most notably the 2020 pandemic, which reigned terror on arts organizations from 2020 to 2023.
Turning adversity into action, Nickerson-Rossi Dance successfully opened a Dance Academy in Palm Springs and Palm Desert, built a state-of-the-art dance theater in Palm Springs, and expanded educational partnerships with Palm Springs Unified, Desert Sands Unified, the City of Desert Hot Springs, Palm Valley School, Sacred Heart School, and Sunnylands. Reaching thousands of students yearly with no-cost dance programming and awarding over $500,000 in educational scholarships.
Today, the Dance Company is ready to go full throttle.

Levels of Support
(Dancer Circle)
+ Naming rights of a dancer in all printed and digital programs
+ 6 VIP Seating for "Behind the Curtain" Open Rehearsals
+ 6 VIP comp seats to events at Nickerson-Rossi's Dance House
+ Social media shoutout
+ Newsletter shoutout
+ Media projection of sponsor name / logo when available
+ Listed on a 1-page banner of donors and sponsors in all printed programs
+ Listed on Banner on the Home Page of the Website
(Apprentice Circle)
+ 6 VIP Seating for "Behind the Curtain" Open Rehearsals
+ 6 VIP comp seats to events at Nickerson-Rossi's Dance House
+ Listed on a 1-page banner of donors and sponsors in all printed programs
+ Listed on Banner on the Home Page of the Website
(Friend of Nickerson-Rossi Dance)
+ 2 VIP Seating for "Behind the Curtain" Open Rehearsals
+ 2 VIP comp seats to events at Nickerson-Rossi's Dance House
+ Listed on a 1-page banner of donors and sponsors in seasonal printed programs
+ Listed on Banner on the Home Page of the Website
$500 - $4,999
(General Sponsor)
+ Listed on a 1-page banner of donors and sponsors in seasonal printed programs
+ 2 VIP Seating for "Behind the Curtain" Open Rehearsals
Any Dollar Amount Helps!
A special thank you goes out to the following for their immense support of Nickerson-Rossi Dance.
$50,000 +
Dr. John and Laurie Bianchin
Rosenthal Family
The Anderson Children's Foundation
David Lee